In the times of an excess number of offers, practically on every market, assisting applications like this will determine competitive advantage. The interest in your product by potential buyers, thanks to an innovative way of presentation, is the first step towards purchasing your product. Clients want to know what they are buying. Quite often the product is complex and there are many possibilities of its configuration with additional equipment. A traditional method of presenting an offer may fail or extend needlessly the period for making a decision. 3D configurator makes it possible to shorten significantly a decision making process. Thanks to simple operation and visual presentation of functions and options, it can be understood by anybody. The use of instant pricing mechanism is also quite significant. If the client changes configuration, he is immediately informed about a corresponding price change. 3D configurator also means saving time your salespeople spend on preparing and presentation of an adequate offer. Such things matter if you want to be ahead of your competition.
The use of 3D configurator is not limited to a specific business. Our application will be a very good solution when there is no way to present a physical product, when the product is too complex or your client has difficulties with a wide range of options for extra equipment. The use of our application is limited only by human imagination. Below you will find its most common implementations: